Going Gluten Free - An expert guide!

Gluten Free diets have been rising in popularity due to the benefits to your physical and mental health. While it can be very satisfying, it often takes a little planning and work to get started. So to help out, here’s our expert guide to going Gluten Free. 


While a gluten free diet is essential for those living with celiac disease, many other people find removing gluten from there diet to be a sort of cleansing - freeing their mind and body with a reinvigorated energy. The trick is to fill your plate up with vegetables, beans, fruits, nuts, seeds, fish, lean meat and other naturally gluten free foods, and make from your new dietary habits tastes that you love. Going gluten free doesn’t mean you should miss out - it means you should be creative with what you can eat! Don’t shrink into your diet - by keeping the food types that you eat as vast as possible in the Gluten Free framework, you will be rewarded with high nutrition levels.


Other than the key ingredients, try to keep away from gluten-free packaged foods - often these are more ‘snacky’ and can affect the way you react too the diet. By planning what you want to buy (particularly at the early stages of your gluten-free journey), you can be most cost-effective and health-conscious. There are many meal planners online that may help you. Planning will also be important when eating out at a restaurant or cafe.


Get to know what foods you can and can’t eat and consult a diet specialist if you can. But most of all listen to your body! Work with the flavours you most enjoy - if you tend to your body it will tend to you. And if a gluten-free diet isn’t completely essential, don’t worry if you fall out every now and again. It’s okay to sway, especially while starting out.


There are lots of companies who are dedicated to making gluten-free alternative foods with love and expertise. Get to know which brands you can trust. Our gluten free products are made especially for you to continue to enjoy the wonderful flavours, textures and histories of bread. 

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