Choosing a gluten free diet can have significant benefits to your health and well-being. Making the change could be exactly what you need to fill yourself with more energy and live an all round nourishing lifestyle. We’ve compiled a list of a 10 signs that you should try going gluten free. Of course, it is important to consider such signs within a larger context and seek further consultation if necessary.

- Digestive Issues. Experiences with gas, diarrhea, bloating or constipation could be down to a level of gluten intolerance.
- If you feel lost in fatigue, brain fog or general tiredness (particularly after meals involving gluten), you may find remedy in a change of diet.
- A diagnosis of an autoimmune disease like Lupus, Psoriasis, Rheumatoid arthritis or another disease of a similar nature, may be linked to gluten intolerance.
- Dizziness, feelings of being off balance and other neurological symptoms often fall in line with gluten consumption.
- Migraines or chronic headaches have been often found to be inline with gluten intolerance.
- Depression, anxiety, ADD, changes in moods and extreme changes in frames of mind may be a response to gluten intake.
- Frequent experiences with joint pains, inflammation or other bodily swellings can suggest your body needs dietary change.
- If you’re feeling the need for revitalisation, a gluten free diet has provided people all over the world a fresh and freeing lifestyle.
- Poor skin and other conditions like eczema and psoriasis, may be improved with a gluten-free lead diet.
- Imbalances of hormones, such as PMS or PCOS could be linked to an intolerance to gluten and therefore be aided with a change of diet.
If you do decide to make a change to gluten-free, it may be easier than you think! We are devoted to making such lifestyle changes easier for you with quality and delicious food options.